Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Taxes, Travel On Your Mind Online


A pair of opposing ideas have been occupying web surfers as they cruise the Internet: the desire to ditch the office for a week in the sun, and the need to pay Uncle Sam his annual due with the money you might otherwise use for that vacation.

Taxes are inevitable, while vacations, as your beloved Murdok scribes know far too well, are not. It’s the time of year when most of the important mail has arrived, and the time to complete those Form 1040s ticks closer to the April deadline.

ComScore said visits to IRS.gov, the online home of the tax collecting agency, saw 13.3 million visitors in January. It was the biggest gainer in terms of percentage change in traffic from the previous month out of all websites.

The need to take care of business seems to have driven people to find out more about software. Accounting software maker Intuit trailed only the IRS in percentage change month-over-month, as 11.4 million people hit its site in January.

There may be a few people expecting to see refunds from the Feds, and have turned their thoughts to places where happiness flows freely and the sun provides warmth as well as light during the day. ComScore’s Hotels/Resorts category of sites saw a 29 percent increase in traffic in January.

The big draw for the travel-minded proved to be the House of Mouse. Walt Disney Parks & Resorts Online picked up 6 million visitors. Hotels.com had 5.2 million people come by to check out the rooms.

Travel has been expected to move more and more business online. Travelocity received the big boost in January from the would-be wanderers out there, with 11.8 million visitors putting together itineraries and envisioning places well away from work and home.

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