Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Surviving Austin, Google’s Latest Update


There are two SEO camps when it comes to Google updates. The first camp holds that Google updates are very exciting (and traumatic) events that are worth studying for the sake of better understanding the Google algorithm and how to rank higher.

Austin Rocks Your Google ResultsAustin Rocks Your Google Results

The second camp says ignore the updates altogether and focus instead on good optimization techniques.

Share your experiences with the new Austin update.

Representing the “ignore Google updates” camp today is Shari Thurow:

“Florida update? Austin update? What the heck is wrong with search engine marketers (SEMs)? The focus should NOT be on reverse engineering. It’s a stupid cat-and-mouse game where the search engine marketer always gets money and the client usually loses money (in the long run).

“The focus should always be on building a user-friendly, search-friendly, and persuasive site that converts. Focusing your efforts on more effective marketing methods yields better results.”

She holds that those who lose/lost rank in the Google updates used unethical optimization tactics (unwittingly, of course. Right guys?). Check out this article and make sure you’re not doing anything unethical.

I’ve not heard much from the Google algorithm watchers – I’ll have more tomorrow.

Here’s where the WebProWorld members are talking about the most recent Google update.

Garrett French is the editor of murdok’s eBusiness channel. You can talk to him directly at WebProWorld, the eBusiness Community Forum.

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