Q&A With Gabe Rivera, Creator Of Techmeme Techmeme may be the singlemost significant news site I’ve found in the last five years. There is no single source on the internet that does a faster more relevant snapshot view of what is happening in the world of tech than Techmeme.
I first started using it a few years ago when Robert Scoble couldn’t seem to write a post without rementioning over and over again how cool it was and for very good reason.
Techmeme is better than digg, it’s better than the New York Times, it’s better than my RSS reader. I go to the site every single day and am constantly viewing it to see what’s up in the world.
It’s been fun getting to know the site’s creater, Gabe Rivera, who is a friend of mine along the way and watching as he’s introduced new things over the course of the past few years. Photos, sponsored posts, and an increasing number of interesting people writing about interesting things.
Danny Sullivan, search guru over at search engine land, has a great indepth interview with Gabe talking about how Techmeme’s developed, where it’s headed and how it all works. A great read.
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Thomas Hawk is a San Francisco based photographer and technology writer.
He publishes the web site Thomas Hawk’s Digital Connection and is also
the Evangelist and CEO of the photo sharing site Zooomr.