Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Successful Blog Promotion


Before employing a blog strategy such as employing guest writers, it is important to establish yourself and your blog before inviting guest writers to appear.

Establishing yourself can be accomplished through various means such as commenting on related industry blogs, writing interesting content on your own blog, and writing for other well known Industry sites. I write frequently for Enquiro Search Solutions and many of the articles get circulated to Murdok, SearchNewz, SearchEngineGuide and the Web Analytics Association.

I found as a result of my guest blogger strategy that last week was my blog’s most successful week ever in terms of generating page views, unique visitors, % of Repeat visitors, visitors’ pages per visit, feed subscribers, comments, Technorati links (in a week), Diggs, and mentions/plugs by other bloggers. I am a big Web Analytics fanatic and love to check stats regularly and today I’d like to share some of the data from last week.

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Manoj has been working in the search engine marketing industry since 2002. He started out as a software developer but now provides in-depth web site analysis using web analytics.

Manoj is also the author of Web Analytics World. Web Analytics is an essential component in developing a successful
online campaign. Help convert visitors into customers by understanding

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