Friday, February 21, 2025

Straight Up Site of Interest – Net Neutrality


For the newcomers out there, our monthly Straight Up Site of Interest post is designed to spotlight websites/services that thrive upon forward-thinking internet technologies.

We’re getting a little political in today’s post, and for good reason. Last night (6/8/06) the U.S. House of Representatives voted against the “Net Neutrality” amendment, which was designed to keep all internet websites treated equal by broadband service providers.

Straight Up Site of Interest:

In their Own Words: The Coalition is a real grassroots alliance of organizations, citizens, businesses and bloggers that have banded together to protect Internet freedom.”

First Impression: The site’s FAQ page offers a good amount of information about the principles behind Net Neutrality, which in a nutshell is the idea that the internet should remain as it is now, an open-marketplace.

The site also provides resources for contacting lawmakers, signing petitions, and an informative page that details which members of the House Energy & Commerce Committee support Net Neutrality.

Back to last night’s vote in the House: according to an article, “lawmakers rejected by a vote of 269-152 a measure to require broadband providers such as AT&T and Comcast to treat all Internet traffic in a nondiscriminatory price manner.”

The Net Neutrality amendment was tacked onto legislation designed to boost competition between internet service providers. Here’s more info:

* New York Times

* Forbes

* CNet

Don’t forget to read about May’s Straight Up Site of Interest for Blog Publishing.

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