The site still says 1.3, but you can now download Spry 1.4.
I’ll have some examples later on.
Some folks are getting the wrong zip. If you do, just give it an hour.
Straight from the changelist here are the updates:
Changes for Spry PreRelease 1.4 – 2006/12/14
– spry:even – Conditionally adds the user specified CSS class name to an element based on the current row number used at the time that element was re-generated.
– spry:odd – Conditionally adds the user specified CSS class name to an element based on the current row number used at the time that element was re-generated.
– spry:setrow – Attaches a non-destructive onclick handler that sets the current row by row ID.
– spry:setrownumber – Attaches a non-destructive onclick handler that sets the current row by row number.
– spry:sort – Attaches a non-destructive onclick handler that sorts a specific data set based on columns specified by the user.
– spry:readystate – Maps the “ready” state name to the name specified in its value.
– spry:errorstate – Maps the “error” state name to the name specified in its value.
– spry:loadingstate – Maps the “loading” state name to the name specified in its value.
– getRowCount()
– getRowByID()
– getRowByRowNumber()
– findRowsWithColumnValues()
– GrowShrink effect: if border is set, width&height style doesn’t get reset to the original value after you toggled the target element
– GrowShrink effect: text size inside the target element is alternated after the effect has been finished
– Slide and Blind effect: Scrollbar disappears if overflow:scroll is set and you toggle the element
– GrowShrink effect: nested image elements doesn’t grow if you grow the target element
– Slide effect: Text inside sliding element doesn’t appear once you toggle the effect (IE 7 only)
– Shake effect: doesn’t work perperly in Opera 9.0
– AppearFade effect: not working for content of a <div> inside a <td> (IE only)
– GrowShrink effect: added options ‘referHeight’ and ‘growCenter’
Slide effect: added option ‘horizontal’ to allow horizontal sliding
– Check Box
– Text Area
– Text Field
– Select
– Added support for variable height panels.
– Added some new constructor options:
– useFixedHeightPanels – This value is true by default. If false allows for variable height panels.
– fixedPanelHeight – Number of pixels to use as the height of each panel when animating. By default this is the same as the first open panel.
– duration – Number of milliseconds it takes to open/close a panel. Default is 500 msecs.
– Fixed bug that prevented panels from animating properly when the accordion started out with a display:none style.
– Removed addNewPanel(), getNewPanelSnippet(), getNewAccordionSnippet(), and getNewAccordionConstructorSnippet() methods. They don’t work cross-browser, and should’ve never seen the light of day.
– Switch from using an interval timer to manually firing off the slide show timer after each image loads. This will allow images loading over slow connections to completely load.
– index.html to use spry:sort and spry:setrow.
– Use a spry:choose attribute to show/preserve the currently selected product on initial load and after a sort.
– Modified index.{html,cfm,php} to use spry:setrow.
Added sample for changing the duration of animations.
Modified variable height accordion sample to use animation.
Added a style for spans used as content panels so that they animate properly.
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Raymond Camden,
Raymond Camden is Vice President of Technology for roundpeg, Inc. A long
time ColdFusion user, Raymond has worked on numerous ColdFusion books
and is the creator of many of the most popular ColdFusion community web
sites. He is an Adobe Community Expert, user group manager, and the
proud father of three little bundles of joy.