Friday, February 21, 2025

Spring is Sprung


Spring is here! It’s traditionally a time for spring cleaning, getting rid of the old and making way for the new. “What’s that got to do with my business?” you may be wondering? Well, actually rather a lot. Now is a great time for you to spring clean your life and your business. A time for cleaning out and reviewing parts of your life and business you’re ready to commit to improving.

It’s an opportunity to examine your goals and clear out the ones you don’t want any longer. This may involve spring cleaning your desk and getting rid of piles of clutter. When we’re surrounded by clutter, our mind gets bogged down which prevents us from thinking clearly and being focused. Perhaps it’s time to dust away the cobwebs on your sales and marketing plans, and throw away the rubbish, i.e. the stuff that no longer forms a useful part of your plans. It may involve spring cleaning your personal life by polishing up relationships, clearing out old habits and attitudes which no longer benefit you. Or stripping back your finances to get them in good shape for the future. Why not take a vacuum to your health and exercise plans and clean out the bits you don’t want?

This clear-out can involve taking huge steps or even very small ones. Even these small things which need dealing with drain our energy and it’s surprising how much this happens. If left undone, the little tasks, like the filing cabinet drawer which jams, the unmade bed, the pile of papers on your desk, all niggle away at you and sap your energy. When these are sorted out, there is more time for other things in your life and business. Cleaning out leaves space and this space is then available for new opportunities. Opportunity for more energy, more business, more sales and more of the things you want for yourself. Now I’m not suggesting that making your bed each day will increase your business ten fold. However, the fact that it’s not niggling away at the back of your mind and your attitude is now one of completing tasks, you’ll more naturally finish things in your business. You’ll be more able to follow through and complete, even if it’s just concentrating on making the telephone calls your business requires.

If you’re ready to enjoy more success, natural energy and confidence, then I encourage you to look at the areas of your life and business which need some spring cleaning. Perhaps this includes your sales, marketing, referrals, finances, management and leadership skills. Or perhaps you tend to procrastinate, to run out of time or feel stressed.

I suggest you make a commitment to start spring cleaning today. Choose the areas you want to clean up and devise a plan of action. Start by asking yourself some questions. Ideally, what do I want this area of my life to be like? What do I need to get rid of? What do I want to put in its place? What is getting in the way of this? Where am I now in this particular area? Look at the difference between where you are now, what you want to clear out and ideally where you want to be. Now break this down into smaller steps. Steps which feel achievable for you and will take you forward. Take the first step forward today. A coach can assist you fully with this process until completion. A radical spring clean puts the zest back into your life and gives you the freedom to reach for the top.

Wendy Hearn works with business owners, professionals and executives to discover and unlock their own inspiration, to effortlessly take the actions required to have the success they desire. To receive Wendy’s free newsletter, send an email to: Copyright 2003, Wendy Hearn. All rights reserved.

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