Thursday, January 30, 2025

Spread The Feed With FeedShot


One submission form from Feedshot can send your site’s RSS or Atom feed to twenty blog search engines.

ResearchBuzz offers an interesting pointer to FeedShot. Calling itself the Original Blog Search Submission Tool, the site lets users deliver their feeds to 20 sites. Technorati, PubSub, and IceRocket are among the twenty; the site promises support for Google Blog Search, Genecast, Blogdex, Blogarama, and Blogwise is coming soon.

“The links keep coming in, and the traffic keeps growing. I can’t believe how many submissions we’ve had in the first four days…over 1,000,” FeatureCreep posts in the FeedShot blog. FeedShot launched a few days ago.

Once a submission has been made, FeedShot processes the request. Submitting the Murdok combined headlines feed returned 14 Successes, 5 Repeats, and 1 Timeout. By entering an email address along with the submitted feed, FeedShot returns the results by email as well as in the browser.

On ResearchBuzz, the author brings up how spam site submissions ended up making meta-submission sites to search engines useless:

I remember talking to someone at AltaVista soon after they applied a human hoop to their URL submission process.

(“Human Hoop” — An extra step in a registration, confirmation, or activation process that ostensibly can be performed only by humans and therefore will keep out ‘bots and other automated programs.)

She said adding that hoop cut the URL submission by over 90% and got rid of a lot of garbage, spam, etc.
With IceRocket’s backer Mark Cuban already complaining loudly about blog spam, FeedShot may find itself needing to look into a human hoop itself, in order to avoid similar problems.

David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business. Email him here.

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