The long-running “news for nerds, stuff that matters” website will undergo a facelift after its editors selected a redesign from a number of submissions.
Slashdot posted the announcement that Alex Bendiken won the Slashdot redesign contest. He will receive a laptop for his efforts. Second place designer Peter Lada receives a $250 ThinkGeek credit for his entry.
The winning redesign changes Slashdot’s font from a serif to a sans-serif default. It also includes more spacing between elements on the main page, giving the site a cleaner, easier to read appearance.
On the left side of the page, the menu headers like Sections and Vendors can be clicked to collapse or expand their contents. It also dispenses with the use of italics for quoted text in the article summaries on the front page.
A number of commenters on the redesign preferred Lada’s work over the winner’s. The runner-up design included tagging and a smaller font size for the menus in the left and right sidebars. Its Ajax-powered left-side menu is a little more intuitive than Bendiken’s.
The new design should be the default in a few days, according to Slashdot. The original contest announcement said the laptop would be either a MacBook Pro or a machine from Alienware, so either way Bendiken should end up with a pretty nice laptop for his efforts.
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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.