Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Site Design According To Drost


Website design is as much an art as a science. Still, some there are some guiding principles that will, in just about every case, make for a better site. Herman Drost has compiled a list of 16 of these elements.

Drost is the owner of iSiteBuild.com, and his article is available through the Web Host Directory. His first suggestion is to “create search engine friendly pages.” “Each web page should contain your targeted keyword phrases” in order to accomplish this and win higher search engine rankings, he writes.

Moving down the list to number three, Drost recommends that you “redirect non www pages to www pages.” This is a good idea, he explains, because “search engines will view your site as having duplicate pages if this is not done.” And search engines tend not to like duplicate content.

The ninth tip might be obvious, but it still needs to be followed. “Check for broken links,” Drost writes. “Search engine spiders will have a difficult time indexing all pages on your web site if it finds broken links.” They might frustrate your site’s visitors, as well.

As his eleventh and sixteenth suggestions, Drost says that use of flash and images, respectively, should be limited. They “are not search engine friendly” because the “primary food” of search engines’ spiders is content. Flash, as well as a large picture or many smaller ones, can also slow down a site too much for visitors with dial-up.

For a more in-depth discussion of these points, and to see the rest of Drost’s suggestions, you can check out his article. Happy site-designing.

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Doug is a staff writer for murdok. Visit murdok for the latest eBusiness news.

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Fact : according to a survey by the project management institute,.