The hell you say! Politicians and prostitutes, sexy scandal cover-ups? Never. Next you’ll tell me Smiling Bob was lying about those Enzyte pills. Declan McCullagh was right to put in his disclaimer about correlations; the 80 percent spike in sex ads on the Denver Craigslist during the Democratic National Convention could have been caused by anything.
Keeping track of the number of Craigslist sex ads popping up in Casual Encounters over successive Sundays in August, McCullagh found that on the first three Sundays this month, an average 425 posts appeared. But last Sunday, there were 763 posts.
McCullagh says post titles were targeted directly to those in town for the quadrennial Jackass Olympics*; the most colorful one decorum allowing read “Looking to service a young Democrat.”
A vast right wing conspiracy to make Democrats look like depraved deviants? Maybe, but when we went to investigate his claims, there were no DNC-targeted posts visible in Casual Encounters. The only post we could find was filed under “Erotic Services,” which read:
Hurry before DNC deletes this!!!
The young woman, who promises to help a person feel happy and relaxed after a stressful day, advises swift action because “the DNC doesn’t want us working and they are flagging all of our posts.”
Wonder why the DNC wouldn’t want anybody feeling happy and relaxed? And I thought Democrats were big on labor. Where’s all that rhetoric about this country being built on the backs of American workers?
I don’t know about all this talk of “sex ads” on Craigslist, but it doesn’t seem right the DNC is trying to keep young women from working. Thought that was a Republican platform.
McCullagh says they’ll be keeping an eye on Craigslist for the Republican Convention, too. We’ll be checking his work. After all, who watches the watchmen?
*Oh, now I’ve gone and done it. I’ll have to think of something equally pejorative involving elephants next week. Equal opportunity offender. No stone-throwing.