Thursday, January 30, 2025

SEO: Cutts Scratches A Niche


It took Google blogger Matt Cutts about six paragraphs to produce SEO advice that made more sense than a host of other articles on the subject.

Cutts advises his readers to follow their niche when doing SEO, and that can mean just about anything… or nothing.

It’s simplicity and purity that matters in the end.

Become the uncarved block, man, as your SEO evolves around you, and promise not to use this insight for evil.

Cutts begins his lesson with a short explanation of how to change the default printer on Linux and Firefox. Yes, it’s very wax on, wax off, isn’t it?

That’s a good place to begin because Matt was looking for that information himself recently and discovered that the answer just wasn’t out there.

So he searched for the answer, discovered it for himself, and wrote it up for others to find.

And that is SEO.

The echoing silence can make your insides ache with the joyous splendor of the universe. It is so simple, yet so complex.

It is faith in a mustard seed; it’s the universe between your toes.

From Matt’s post:

But the larger point is that if you put in time and research to produce or to synthesize original content, think hard about what niches to target. My advice is not to start with an article about porn/pills/casinos/mortgages-it’s better to start with a smaller niche

An infinite number of niches are waiting for someone to claim them. I’d ask yourself where you want to be, and see if you can find a path from a tiny specific niche to a slightly bigger niche and so on, all the way to your desired goal. Sometimes it’s easier to take a series of smaller steps instead of jumping to your final goal in one leap.
And remember, it’s best if you move with the cheese.

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