Saturday, December 14, 2024

SEM Conferences You Should Be Attending


SEMpdx Searchfest

Stoney at SEMpdx

Ok, this one has come and gone but I wanted to provide a short debrief. I have to say that I had a fantastic time. Searchfest marked my one-year anniversary speaking at conferences. They opened the door for me at Searchfest 2007 and were kind enough to invite me back this year. Boy, am I glad they did.

I have to say that I was really surprised by the marketing power they were able secure for each session was amazing. I felt severely out gunned on both panels I was on. I was amazed at the quality of the information provided and the overall environment established by the SEMpdx team.

I met quite a few people in the industry and instead of trying to list them all here I just want to say thanks for making my SEMpdx experience a great one!

Search Engine Strategies: New York

By the time you read this the conference will already be happening, but it’s not to late to drop by for some sessions. I’ll be taking the red-eye in to arrive on Tuesday morning and hope to grab an early morning session before heading back to my hotel for a power-nap. Wednesday I’ll be attending a few sessions and then speaking on the Vertical & Retail Track in a session called SEM Small Business Blitz. I’ll be speaking with Jennifer Laycock and Matt McGee, both providing valuable information that’s worth the price of admission.

My presentation is titledWebsite Marketing Strategies that Don’t Suck (Money from Your Wallet) and I’ll provide some quick hits on

  • keyword organization
  • website architecture
  • getting attention
  • PPC strategies
  • competitive intelligence

Search Engine Marketing: Unleashed

This one is my favorite of the three, and not just because I have a secret crush on Jennifer Laycock. What you need to know about Unleashed is that this will be unlike any other conference you’ve attended in our industry.

Instead of hearing a panel of speakers share four different viewpoints, (leaving you to figure out which one is right) we’ll give the stage to one expert who knows how to explain the nuts and bolts of their topic to the small business audience. You’ll get the information that’s vital to improving your online marketing techniques and you’ll get it without the techno-talk and industry jargon so common to larger online marketing conferences.

On day two, we’ll take things a step further, breaking the show down into intensive work-shops that actually walk you through the process of beginning to market your site. Whether it’s keyword research, viral marketing, paid search advertising or a variety of other topics, our expert marketers will walk you through the actual steps of launching your online marketing campaign and will send you home with the knowledge you need to finish the job.

If you have not reserved your seat then you’re too late for the early-bird pricing, the registration fee of $975 is still a bargain. Here is a list of the speakers you’ll be treated to:

I’ll be speaking on Website Architecture and have a fantastic presentation put together that I’m sure everyone will benefit from.

Finally, here is a great video put together by the Small Business Marketing team. Sit down, relax and enjoy the next minute and a half.


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