Saturday, October 5, 2024

Search – The Need For Speed

Google isn’t only fast on the browser side, where queries come in, but on the indexing side, where the voracious BigTable on Google’s back end chows on the content the Googlebot delivers.
Search - The Need For Speed

Following the news of Jim Lanzone’s abrupt exit as CEO of, the usual commentary and conjecture have made their way around the Internet. Valleywag said Lanzone got his walking papers from IAC topper Barry Diller due to an in-the-works Ask News site slipping its December ship date.

Considering Google’s huge search market share, running competition against them can’t be a lot of fun. Yahoo’s Terry Semel finally got forced out while that portal’s search marketing product received a frantic reconstruction, the better to compete with Google on contextual ad relevancy.

Lanzone’s job could have been made much easier, according to Watch Mojo. Ashkan Karbasfrooshan performed a simple test, to see if and when a recent blog post he wrote got picked up by the four big search engines.

Google had it on page one of the search results in less than 24 hours, based on the keywords he used to retrieve it. The article came in after one at a New York Times blog, but the Times is tough to beat with its massive PageRank score.

Yahoo picked it up, albeit indirectly, while MSN Search missed it. Ask also had not picked it up, though it did have a previous article he wrote about the same subject.

“This is a very small test to show why Google is winning in search. My post went up 24 hours ago and it was technically the only search engine to pick it up,” said Karbasfrooshan.

He isn’t convinced Diller spent that $100 million in advertising the Ask algorithm in an effective manner, either.

“At the risk of being a smart ass, I will say this: IAC spent $100M on an advertising campaign that was ineffective, touting some algorithm,” he wrote.

“Maybe, I

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