Thursday, January 30, 2025

Rocketboom Goes Down In Buffalo Chips


How do you follow an episode of tomato throwing and red paper clip up-trades? It’s a no-brainer: buffaloes and creepy music. Rocketboom’s second that’s-not-Amanda show left the audience in a pile of question marks.

“This is a joke right?” The question resonates throughout the comments section as the mob becomes confused and angry.

Joanne Colan, the new host of Rocketboom, appeared only briefly for the three-minute video blog to say the news would begin on Monday. Today, a “field correspondence” piece should suffice for the second episode everyone in the vlogging world was waiting to see.

Skinned buffalo heads, a South Dakota farmer, and random shots of chop-licking corralled bison would replace any talking or news reporting, with a music score by producer Andrew Baron.

And the crowd goes “huh?” Virtual tomatoes fly once again.

The peanut gallery was brutal, criticizing everything from Colan’s Britishness and her deep alto voice to her lack of cleavage. An informal poll at Valleywag shows that most Wag readers attribute Congdon’s success to her, um, endowments.

Though fans were split as to whether Colan should be more like Amanda (which is silly if you think about itsomebody still lives in the basement, don’t they?), the general consensus on the Buffalo Concerto was a resounding “thumbs down.” Someone even called Colan a tranny.

“If we were all in a plane, I think the words I would hear are “Pull up! Pull up! Puuulll up!” retorts one commentator.

Another was quicker to defend. “lets see some of you mouthy A holes put a show together like this every day. im amazed by this little show.” Let the cyber brawl begin.

But you have to feel bad for Colan. She stepped right into the flamers den. If she can remain poised in the future despite the hazing, it will speak volumes about her.

And if Baron didn’t wow the crowd with this weird little update, he’s at least kept everyone talking about the show. Bad publicity? Who cares at this point? Everybody’s watching.

I’ve already shared it with everyone in the office. The viral component to it’s weirdness may be just what the vlog needs to up its viewership from 250,000 views per day. Baron could be brilliant. But nobody’s sure yet.

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