Earlier this week we told you of Fox and Twitter teaming up to create some buzz about repeats of the shows Fringe and Glee. Well, hopefully there is no such thing as bad press because the comments we received about the experiment were unanimous: FAIL! Check out our impassioned reader feedback.
Ginger Says:
September 3rd, 2009 at 10:02 pm
When I watch television I’d like to see the program, concentrate on the program, and not be inundated with superfluous trivia such as the content of the Twitter being shown on Fringe. This format does not allow the viewer to see the movie. I simply decided to change the channel, as did most of my friends.
Debbie Says:
September 4th, 2009 at 12:20 am
I hated every second, and am about to stop watching a show I love. It was NOT at the bottom of the screen, it took up half the screen, never ended. It must include a way to stop it or I will stop watching FOX altogether.
Len Cyca Says:
September 4th, 2009 at 12:27 am
I have just changed channels. Twitter on fringe was just too much to take. I have never seen anything quite so distracting and irritating. It covered two third of the bottom of my High definition image and made it unwatchable. Too bad, fringe was an interesting show. What are you guys thinking !!
rose Says:
September 4th, 2009 at 12:32 am
I was curious about the show. Then the twitter blocked the lower half of the TV screen. Wanted to turn know how to get rid of it. Instead changed the channel. Adding TWITTER to the show is extremely annoying. I don’t want to look at INANE converstations……. STUPID idea.
Annoyed Says:
September 4th, 2009 at 12:46 am
Twitter messages on my TV !!! Without asking for it? I’ll stop watching. Great job Fox! Way to lose viewers.
So rather than rave reviews it looks like this one is getting raving mad reviews. Note to self: When mixing Twitter with anything use with caution. Not everyone finds everyone that interesting.
See ya next week.