Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Rejoice in Small Affiliate Checks


Did you get ANY affiliate check this past month? Good for you! You’re ahead of the pack.

Let me explain…

I am in the process of surveying my subscribers to find out what I-Marketer can do to make them more successful.

[If you want to participate, go take the 5-minute survey here: ]

One of the most startling results I saw was how many people made less than $100 last month on their Internet business. In fact, a number of the respondents LOST money last month.


But it got me thinking: What if these people just give up? What if they just pack in the towel and say “forget it!”

Just imagine what they will be giving up:

The freedom to truly be on the outside who they really are on the inside.

Mom goes back to work and takes the kids back to the sitter.

Dad spends his weekdays working and weekends fixing up the house and never has time to do the things he really enjoys.

I don’t want those things to happen–and neither do you.

So, here is a word of encouragement:

Almost anyone can make a living online. It takes perseverance. Don’t quit, you can make it. Believe me, the rewards you will receive will far outweigh the price you pay.

To help you on this path, I have put together a few step-by-step resources to get you started:

The Challenge: How I Created a Pile of Cash in 30 Days, staring from Scratch…

Making Your First $1,000 as An Affiliate

A Complete Guide to Creating a Content Oriented Affiliate Site:

Getting started online is the hardest part. When you get your first check, make sure to photocopy it. You’ll want to have a picture of it on your wall when your making the “big bucks.”

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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