Friday, January 17, 2025

Regular Expressions in T-SQL


I recently had the problem of trying to search for a regular expression in a database field. There is no version of SQL Server that supports regular expressions natively, but I discovered a way to add all sorts of regular expression goodness to your T-SQL applications. In order to use regular expressions easily, we can use a User Defined Function to help us out and abstract the work for us.

For this solution we need SQL Server 2000 or higher. Also we need to make sure we have the VBScript.RegExp library on our computer. This should come with most Windows 2000 servers, in the Windows Scripting package. If you are using this on an older version of Windows, you will probably have to download the latest version of Windows Scripting for your OS.


Here is the UDF that I wrote to search for a regular pattern expression in a source string:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.find_regular_expression
		@source varchar(5000),
		@regexp varchar(1000),
		@ignorecase bit = 0
		DECLARE @hr integer
		DECLARE @objRegExp integer
		DECLARE @objMatches integer
		DECLARE @objMatch integer
		DECLARE @count integer
		DECLARE @results bit
		EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'VBScript.RegExp', @objRegExp OUTPUT
		IF @hr  0 BEGIN
			SET @results = 0
			RETURN @results
		EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @objRegExp, 'Pattern', @regexp
		IF @hr  0 BEGIN
			SET @results = 0
			RETURN @results
		EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @objRegExp, 'Global', false
		IF @hr  0 BEGIN
			SET @results = 0
			RETURN @results
		EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @objRegExp, 'IgnoreCase', @ignorecase
		IF @hr  0 BEGIN
			SET @results = 0
			RETURN @results
		EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @objRegExp, 'Test', @results OUTPUT, @source
		IF @hr  0 BEGIN
			SET @results = 0
			RETURN @results
		EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @objRegExp
		IF @hr  0 BEGIN
			SET @results = 0
			RETURN @results
	RETURN @results

Save this UDF into your database, and ensure that the permissions are set so it can be executed. Of course you will also need to ensure that people will have the permissions to execute the sp_OAxxxxx family of extended stored procedures for this to work.

This particular function has been used with no wrinkles and it seems to be a very snappy performer, even with the use of the COM object.


One way to use regular expressions is to test for special characters. Instead of searching for all the special characters that exist, we’ll look for only matches of normal characters, like letters and spaces. Let’s see this in action:


The results for this example would be:

Test one This is a test!!
Special characters found.
Test two This is a test
No special characters.

As you can see, this is a very simple technique to get a very powerful result in certain situations. You as a T-SQL developer can take and extend this technique to other methods in the regular expression library VBScript.RegExp.

First appeared at

Cory Koski is a full-time web developer living in Toronto, Ontario, for an international travel insurance B2B company since June 2001. Born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario, he has been working as a web developer building ASP-based solutions since 1997. In the last 4 years, Cory has worked extensively with SQL Server, and now currently builds solutions with ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000. He is also a part-time consultant and is also an academic speaker on the topic of web development practices. Visit his site online

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