Saturday, February 22, 2025

Red Meat Connected With Bowel Cancer


Researchers just confirmed the bad news for meat-lovers everywhere. A diet rich in beef, lamb, pork, and processed meats (think sausages and cold cuts) increases the risk of colorectal cancer.

Red Meat Connected With Bowel Cancer Tracking the diets of 500,000 cancer-free people across Europe between the ages of 35 to 70 for five years, cancer researchers discovered a 35% greater risk of developing colorectal cancer among those who ate two or more portions of red meat a day.

A portion is defined as 80 grams, which is about 2.5 oz American meat currency (or portion American). The risk was also higher among those who had a low fiber diet.

Chicken and turkey seemingly had no effect on the colorectal cancer risk after allowing for other risk factors like age, sex, weight, caloric intake, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Fish appeared to lower the risk, especially among those who eat fish three to four times a week.

“We estimate that more than two thirds of colorectal cancer cases – 25,000 cases in the U.K. – could be avoided by changes in lifestyle in Western countries,” said Professor Tim Key, deputy director of Cancer Research UK’s epidemiology unit in a statement.

The study appears in the June 15th issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, and was paid for by the Medical Research Council, Cancer Research UK, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

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