Wednesday, February 19, 2025

REAL ESTATE Agents … Do your Marketing Proposals Make the Grade … really?


Are they instrumental in securing listings? A staggering 8 in 10 real estate marketing submissions simply don’t “cut it”, and in some cases, they actually drive a prospective vendor to the competition. Read this article to find out how well your proposal documentation rates, and learn how to develop pre-listing and listing collateral that SELLS outrageously well.

I don’t need to tell you that the business of getting listings is highly competitive. And I don’t need to tell you that an essential part of the listing process is the marketing proposal (plan or submission), yet up to 80% of these documents are a waste of time and money.

They do nothing to excite a prospective vendor about the professionalism, expertise, or excellent customer service of a particular agent or the agency.

“Vitally important”

When you consider that many vendors arrange 3 appraisals from competing agents, and when you also consider that some need to consult with a partner who wasn’t present at the listing presentation, I think you’ll agree, it’s VITALLY IMPORTANT that your marketing proposal sells.

Using the formula explained on the following pages, it’s possible to dramatically increase your sales conversions by having a “nurturing process” along with some strategically created marketing collateral that does the selling for you. In fact, it could increase your results by 33% or much more.

So I can best explain how to do that, I’d like you to indulge me for a moment.

That all important “first impresson”

Imagine this …

You’re about to sell your home and you call an agent (let’s call him Les Jones of Memorable Experiences Real Estate) to arrange an appraisal.

That afternoon when you get home from work there’s an attractively wrapped, absolutely stunningly presented package waiting on your doorstep.

Inside the package is some very specific “relationship building” goodies (stuff that brings a “smile” to your face), plus a range of information that excites you about meeting with him, gives you some initial information about the area and its performance, and their agency (so you know that this agent really knows his stuff), along with some more information that makes it easier for you to organise everything you have to do to sell your property.

“It’s so effective that it does the selling for you even before you’ve met the prospect.”

It’s not the standard company profile. In fact, it’s anything but. This package is like nothing you’ve ever seen before. You’re so blown away that you’re instantly convinced that this agency delivers “6 star results”, and “6 star service”.

Now comes the appointment …

You’re so impressed that by the time Les turns up you’re virtually sold on the idea of using his services.

Les goes through his sales presentation and then says he will get back to you with a formal proposal. (As you know, the ideal situation (naturally) is to obtain the listing on the spot but that’s another topic altogether so in this article I’ll just address the submission process).

The next day a handwritten thank-you card (a newsagenty kind of card – not one with your corporate logo) arrives at your home with a warm note that goes into detail to explain how wonderful Les “genuinely” (note the emphasis on the word genuinely) thought your home was, and how he “genuinely enjoyed” meeting with you.

Yet another wonderful surprise!

The following day Les turns up with a marketing submission that continues that “6 star” feel. Again, it’s presented beautifully but most importantly it epitomises “salesmanship in print” (consultative selling, that is).

The document reads as if it was written by one of your closest friends. What’s more, it gives you concrete, irrefutable proof and specific reasons to choose “Memorable Experiences Real Estate”.

You’re well-and-truly 100% sold.

The End.

The “nuts and bolts” of marketing collateral that sells!

Naturally your people are good at selling. That’s a given. In the same way you conduct a sales presentation, your documentation must also follow a set sales track … a very specific beginning, middle and end.

“It turns sceptics into fans … in a very special way”

As you know, many people are a little sceptical by nature. And they have certain fears and questions when it comes to selling their most prized asset.

Certainly, your sales people do a good job of addressing these issues but once the sales person has left, those fears start to “bob” to the surface again.

Our unique “salesmanship in print” formula starts where your sales presentation stops … by keeping them “excited about what you have to offer”.

It also allays any fears that re-emerge. It addresses any concerns they have about dealing with you. It answers any questions they have about the sales process .. all in a very unique way.

At a fundamental level, it’s your sales presentation in words.

That’s where most marketing proposals go wrong. They offer a little bit of each of these elements but nowhere near enough to keep them excited about using you to sell their property.

I have written a comprehensive article entitled “Marketing Techniques That Turn The Biggest Sceptics Into Raving Fans”. To read it, just visit:

The winning formula!

Briefly, it looks at the experience your prospect has dealing with your agency from the time your sales person ends their first initial phone conversation with them right through until the time they sign on the dotted line and beyond.

It involves a very special, strategically designed “pre-listing” kit which sets the scene.

It involves some unique steps and “experience building” actions and tools to “wow” them.

It also involves creating an easily customisable, marketing proposal template that covers the following areas in a way that uniquely, gives the impression that your sales people really (really) know their stuff.

Kris Mills of Words that Sell ( ) is a top selling copywriter, trainer and author of numerous how-to guides including Proposals and Tenders (Bids) that Sell. Kris has also produced a FREE ebook entitled “11 Bid Writing Sins and How to Avoid Them”. To arrange a FREE copy, visit:

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