Friday, February 7, 2025

Prudential Creates Google Earth Plugin


In an effort to capitalize on the usability of Google new downloadable mapping service, many services are in the process of developing plugins designed to take the functionality of Google’s service to higher levels.

One company in particular has been very quick on the draw in its plugin development efforts; making their device available only a week after the launch of Google’s home-user map service, Google Earth. The company in question, Prudential Preferred Properties, has produced a Google Maps plugin designed for people who are real estate shopping in the city of Chicago.

Prudential Creates Google Earth Plugin

Image Courtesy of The Unofficial Google Weblog The Prudential plugin provides Google Earth map listings for the Chicagoland real estate, and it is kept current by updates, which are also provided twice daily by Prudential. In order to utilize the Chicagoland real estate widget, users must have Google Earth downloaded and installed (unfortunately, Google is still suspending Earth downloads) and according to Prudential’s plugin page:

  • Open the Network Link dialogue box (Add -> Network Link)
  • Name the new link ‘Prudential Chicago’ and then type the following url into the ‘Location’ field:
  • Set ‘Time-Based Refresh’ to ‘Periodically’, and change the refresh period to 12 hours.
  • When users click on a property of interest, they are treated to summary description including, a map location and a link that provides a full property description, which is provided by Prudential’s real estate listings. The descriptions are viewed in Google Earth’s imbedded browser.

    Not only do these plugins, hacks, and widgets improve the usability of the products they were designed more, they also serve as an indicator of the future of Internet development, as indicated in a recent article in According to Wired’s article, Tim O’Reilly of O’Reilly Media feels this style of hacks and third-party developments will be a driving force for the Web 2.0.

    For more information, or to download the Google Earth plugin from Prudential, please visit here.

    Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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