There’s a good time and a bad time to put up your latest bit of life-changing brilliance on your blog.
We’ve got mad props for ReadWriteWeb and Marshall Kirkpatrick bringing something very cool to our attention. Kirkpatrick’s discussion of when to post and not to post highlighted an intriguing online service.
It’s called AideRSS. The Canadian company behind the service calls it “an intelligent assistant, which continuously monitors RSS feeds, finds the good stuff, creates a PostRank, and delivers it to you.”
Conversely, the site also lets the visitor plug in a feed and see how its posts stack up in terms of interest from other places, like Digg, Delicious, Google Blog Search, and comments on blog entries.
Users can filter results for a particular feed by its Good, Great, and Best posts, in terms of the PostRank that AideRSS assigns. People may subscribe to these filtered feeds to see only the most attention-getting posts being delivered by the site’s main feed.
Kirkpatrick noted how data from the service made it possible to determine good and bad times to post, based on the attention blog posts received:
Luciani’s conclusion: between 1pm and 3pm PST (after lunch) or between 5pm and 7pm PST (after work) are the best times and Thursday is the best day. The worst time to post? Between 3 and 5 PM PST on the weekends – nobody cares.
Judging by this for those of us on East Coast time, we should all sleep in and work nights. I’ll have to pass; that would cut into my gaming time.
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