Thursday, January 16, 2025

Porn Podcasts Are The Most Searched


There are two types of popular search reports. The first kind gives users a cleaned-up version so they won’t offend their visitors and users.

The Google Zeitgeist fits into this category, as does the Lycos 50. These reports give users an example of what popular searches are being conducted with one notable exclusion: adult-related content. These types of searches are never factored into these lists for reasons stated earlier.

When you look at an unfiltered list of the top keyword searches being conducted, you notice that the adult industry is well represented and highly sought after. Apparently, the desire for adult content has bleed over into the realm of podcasts and podcast searching. According to Gary Price post on the SearchEngineWatch blog, when people search for podcasts, many are looking for porn-related recordings.

To arrive at this point, Gary looked at data provided by and their top 10 searches list. The list reveals the quest for adult-related content is alive and well:

Top 10 Podcast Searches Conducted at

1. porn
2. adult
3. npr
4. bbc
5. open source sex
6. comedy
7. erotica
8. pod porn
9. music
10. erotic

If not for the BBC, NPR, music, and comedy, this list would be completely comprised of porn-related search terms. This isn’t much different from the top keywords searches being done on standard search engines. If you subscribe to Wordtracker’s weekly email update, this becomes very apparent. However, if you visit their top search list on their web site, a disclaimer states:

Please note that we have removed all sexually explicit terms so as not to cause offense. These are of course available in the full version.

I wouldn’t be surprised if winds up having to do the same thing: provide a family-friendly version with the true list being available on request.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for murdok. Visit murdok for the latest search news.

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