Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Pixelotto – Million Dollar Homepage v2


I like Pixelotto.com, Alex Tew’s followup to his Million Dollar Homepage.

The spin is that with every click on an advertiser, you get a ticket for a lottery at the end which can earn you a million bucks… and the advertisers pay $2 per pixel, making the site 2 million bucks (which leaves Alex with another million after splitting revenues). There’s been dozens to hundreds of Million Dollar Homepage rip-offs, but this one might just work again, because:

It’s a win-win-win situation; the advertisers get clicks (thus having incentive to advertise), the users get the chance to win money (thus having incentive to visit), and Alex scores the million dollar jackpot again

Practically all the million dollar rip-offs were just that, rip-offs; Alex however is entitled to advance his original idea because he invented the whole scheme. Whereas other pixel sites feel like clones, his is the official (and officially cool) “version 2”

By the way, you can still not buy any pixel on my Zero Dollar Homepage.

[Thanks Alek!]



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Philipp Lenssen from Germany, author of 55 Ways to Have Fun With Google, shares his views & news on the search industry in the daily Google Blogoscoped.

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