The most used content type among knowledge workers for business purposes has switched to press releases.
Press releases have surpassed trade journals as the leading source of information for knowledge workers, reveals a recent study from Outsell who surveyed 7,000 knowledge workers from 2004 to the present.
“It may be that press releases are easier for people to get their hands on,” said Outsell VP and analyst Roger Strouse. “It may be that press releases are shorter and pithier. It may be that they’re oftentimes free and come right into an RSS reader.”
The study also points out that the amount of information online is becoming overwhelming and that a general search fails knowledge workers 10 percent of the time.
What does this mean for your business?
- You should be putting your news out in regular press releases
- Syndicate your content in an RSS feed
- Write the release for the end user – the person searching online for information about your products and services
- Optimize the press releases – make it easy for people to find them in Yahoo News and Google Web Search
You can find out more about why news search is a growing vertical that returns good information and trackable results at SES on Tuesday August 8. The News Search session is right after lunch.
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Sally is the author of Website Content Strategy blog: Information about the shifts in media consumption and the use of
technology in marketing and PR so business can stay in touch with
their rapidly moving audiences.