Friday, February 21, 2025

Online Revenge Company Driven Offline


Online punsters are slacking – Am I really the first to offer the gratuitous transmogrification to “e-venge” or “Revenge 2.0?” A company that appears to offline since news broke, offered revenge packages to online customers seeking to ruin their opponents.

Currently under investigation by British authorities, claimed that for just £10 ($20) a month, they could tamper with an enemy’s credit rating, tip off their spouse to (assumedly false) infidelities, and generally “create mayhem.”

But it’s not just revenge fraud, ConfidentialAccess specializes in several types of fraud it claims to be legal. Though their site, operated by Britons from Hong Kong servers, has gone from confidential access to inaccessible access, a copy of the company’s about-page can be found on

From that:

Today CA can show you how to build a perfectly legal new credit file, we can give you novelty employment or a pretend job which all checks out; what about a set of fully certified trading accounts. Maybe you need to show proof of funds with a recognised bank we can lodge up to £250 million on paper; last but not least we can produce any legal duplicate document you can think of; we can make the document appear in its original form or we can amend any details you wish including transactional data. We can hear you saying “Are You Legal” The answer is of course. Confidential Access and CA Media Group contracted both UK and US Corporate Lawyers to draft a legal foundation we could trade on. Our given advice was to move our infrastructure offshore to a neutral jurisdiction in order to offer true privacy and protection to our ever growing list of international clients.

They also claim to have “some morals” and do not support international terrorism. However, the Sunday Times in England was able to obtain fake a fake (and convincing) British driver’s license with the picture of one of the FBI’s most-wanted terrorists.

The cost of a fake terrorist driver’s license? About $600.

They can also forge pay slips or sabotage a PayPal account.

The above source lists a PO Box in Arizona, as well as a phone number, which is actually a number for an anonymous hosting company in Arizona.

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