Saturday, October 5, 2024

Oh, What a Web We Weave

Once considered to the best of all communication mediums, the Internet has allowed seemingly small businesses to launch into larger, once-unreachable markets. You have heard the stories A flower company opens an online store and within a few months, experiences large growth. A pottery maker posts a few photos and the orders come rolling in. An antique dealer cannot keep enough products in stock

However, many small businesses have taken these success stories immediately to heart and forgot one very basic fact: these are all niche markets.

While it is very true that companies that were once geographically limited are now able to market and sell products across the United States (or even internationally for that matter), these successful business owners took their relatively small market and expanded into a larger geographical niche market.

Give the customers what they want (not what YOU want)

For those who have seen the movie Field of Dreams, Ray Kinsella (played by Kevin Costner) believed that, “If you build it, they will come.” While heartwarming, the reality is quite the opposite. A small business website must have a purpose and must satisfy a need. Once you fill that need and actively promote your website, the web traffic will come.’

It is really that simple.

As a web designer, I often get calls from small business owners who want a website. The first question I ask them is the same. “What do you want your website to do?” Invariably, the answer is the same. “Well, my friends and business associates told me that I should have a website, but I am not sure what it should do.”

Wrong answer.

I have only had one customer call me who gave a correct’ answer. “Why does my business need a website? Well, I am a stone etcher and I wanted to be able to show examples of my work-because once my potential clients see what I can create, they always place an order.”

Right answer.

This owner of a small stone etching business saw that his clients had a need. They wanted to see examples of his work, but it was physically impossible to get those large stones in his potential customers’ hands. Throughout his website, the stone etcher showcased some of the prettiest etched rocks around. Imagine what his customers did when he told them he posted their rock on his website; they all told people they knew. Before he knew it, the website had become an instant success.

What are my customers’ needs?

Well, I wish I had a quick answer for you, but the fact is that needs vary by the type of business or industry in which you compete. Different segments within the same industry have different needs. However, here are a few samples:

A real estate agent has an online calculator that allows web users to figure a monthly mortgage payment,

A trucking company tied their internal truck-tracking software to their website so customers would see where their shipment was at all times,

A canvas company explained the differences between the type of custom covers they create

The maker of a national-renowned barbeque sauce set up an online ordering system for a more convenient sales method (customers were usually large restaurants),

A freelance writer posted examples of her work, and even created an instant press release maker.

Still not sure what online features you should provide for your customers? Ask them! Your customers are the lifeblood of your company, and by fulfilling their needs, your website will become their point of reference every time.

Once you build a successful website, you can utilize it for even better and more extensive marketing campaigns, but that is for next time.

Philip Ellison is a web designer and owner of Quagmire Solutions. With years of
experience, Philip specializes in web-based technology that can improve
websites, communications, and technology. He can be reached at (989) 798-6490
or at Stop by for
more details and other neat web features.

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