Tuesday, February 18, 2025

99% of the Population Hasnt Heard of Teleclasses?


“My issue with these sites,” Keely told me, “is that 99% of the population has never heard of a teleclass, so they wouldn’t be searching or signed up for these sites.”

Is it really just 1% of us into teleclasses for personal and professional development, certification, training, learning, companionship, synergy and interaction? If you haven’t discovered teleclasses yet, here are some things you need to know:


A teleclass takes place on what’s called a bridge line, which is like a conference call or chat line. You call a regular phone number in the US (usually Orlando or Las Vegas) at the appointed time, incurring regular LD charges. You and up to 500 other participants will be greeted by your Teleclass Leader. Teleclass.com says “A TeleClass is similar to a grad school discussion – some lecture, some questions, some discussion.”

At times it resembles a support group. Weekly teleclasses are part of my certification program for EQ coaches, and I also offer The EQ Learning Lab where participants interact, put into practice what they’re learning about Emotional Intelligence (which requires interaction), and receive support for their development in different areas.

A teleclass can meet just once, usually for an hour, or weekly, for 4-8 weeks or longer. Some are free and some charge a modest fee.

Teleclasses fall under the rubric of intellectual property rights. You may use the content and discussion for your personal, direct use only, and may not repackage, share, or resell it without a licensing agreement. Recording is prohibited.


A good teleclass leader will make it clear what the format of the class is both before and at the beginning of the class. Some are purely lecture, while many are what we would call discussion-based, and you may participate as much – or as little – as you like, depending on your personality and learning style.


No travel time, parking fees, dress code or distractions Comfort Ability to choose and attend at the last minute You can take notes on the computer and also access websites Doesn’t interfere with your travel schedule


Typically you will find topics on the general self-help areas: Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Relationships, Finances, Consulting, Coaching, Making Decisions, Personal and Professional Development, Family, and Internet Marketing, Training and Certification.

A quick check of what’s offered this week at www.teleclass.com reveals:

When You Talk, Do People Listen?

Attract More Clients with the Three Magic Bullets of Marketing

Train Your Brain and Listen to Your Body The Art of Procrastination

Premier Teleclasses, www.webstrategies.cc/premier_teleclasses.com, which maintains what they call “an uncommon level of content, topics and presenters”, is currently offering: Russia with Love, with Leo Mourshenko, Tour Guide for Uniworld, and Susan Dunn, MA Current Trends in Business & Marketing, Bob Jerus, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing How to Make the Best of Your Holiday Photo Shoot, with Kelly Dunn, Owner of JustImagineInc.com Introversion: The New Personality Style, Nancy R. Fenn, TheIntrovertzCoach

PremierTeleclasses offers private and small-group (2-5) teleclasses. You can participate in a stimulating discussion with the leader from the comfort or your own home or office, or when away on holiday.

The participant gets individual attention, focused learning, the chance to practice skills in real-time, ask specific questions, and not have to share or waste time, nor enter a coaching contract. Topics range from self-help, to educational, to tutorials, to academic, to special requests.

Individual Coaches often offer their own series of teleclasses, which they list on their websites. Right now Coach Paul, http://www.the-coach.com/teleclass.htm is offering: Nix Negativity Now Presenting wit Pizzazz Advanced PowerPoint Presentations for Results

The fall and winter series at EIT Solutions ( http://www.susandunn.cc/resiliency%20coach.htm ), “Best of the Best, Ask the Expert,” includes:

EQ at Work: “First Break All the Rules” meets “Emotional Intelligence at Work” with Sue Johnston, MBA, ABC, certified EQ Coach Wellness, Addiction and You, with Edward Blomgren, Ph.D., therapist, coach and author of the newly released “Conquer Tobacco Naturally” Fathering: Dads Don’t Fix Your Kids (How to Avoid Power Struggles and Create More Harmony at Home) with Fathering Coach, Mark Brandenburg, MA


1. Teleclass.com – www.teleclass.com

2. Power of Learning – http://www.poweroflearning.com/teleclasses

3. SheLovesGodTeleclasses for Christian Women – http://www.shelovesgod.com/classes

4. TeleClass4U – http://www.teleclass4u.com

5. Premier Teleclasses, http://www.webstrategies.cc/ premier_teleclasses.htm

6. Women’s U Teleclasses – http://womensu.com/wer.htm


You will find teleclasses exceptionally orderly and conflict-free. General protocol is to call from a landline, quiet noises in the background, announce yourself when you enter the call (“This is Susan”), and each time you wish to speak, and then to say good-bye before you hang up. Teleclass learners are courteous and share the airtime.

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Susan Dunn, MA, Marketing Coach,
http://www.webstrategies.cc. Marketing consultation,
implementation, website review, SEO optimization, article
writing and submission, help with ebooks and other
strategies. Susan is the author or How to Write an eBook
and Market It on the Internet. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc
for information and free ezine. Specify Checklist.

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