Wednesday, February 19, 2025

No Business Woman Is An Island


Sure, you have heard the adage “No man is an island”. Did you understand the meaning behind those words? Well it is not that difficult. An island stands alone. Just as, no man stands alone neither does a woman. Often times we, as women want to do all and be all things to everyone. That’s because we have learned to wear several different hats during any given day.

When we choose to start our very own business we nurture and care for it like it were a helpless baby. That is not necessarily a bad thing. However, in the midst of managing our business, we forget that we are not capable of doing everything no matter how hard we try. Oh, but we give it a good college try! Working extended hours, caring for the family and trying our best to solve every business and personal life problem that we are, confronted with during the day.

We seldom ask for help because we are convinced we can “do it ourselves” Women have been programmed to believe that we should be self sufficient and organized. Let me tell you a little secret not all of us are. We are however; all gifted in certain areas and we all need help and support from time to time. Burning yourself out managing your business is not the road to success. It is however a quick road to the hospital.

Starting or growing your small business requires an enormous amount of time. Most of us convince ourselves that no one else can do the work. This is one of the many, misconceptions business owners have. It stems from a need to control. In order to allow our businesses to become successful and grow we must learn the art of letting go.

I’m not talking about turning complete control of your business over to someone else. I’m referring to a simple reorganization of your thoughts about your business. Learn to delegate some of your daily responsibilities involving your business. This may mean hiring an assistant, asking friends or family members for help. Whatever it takes “just do it”.

Before you over-extend yourself mentally and physically, consider the title of this article “No woman is an island”. When you need help, ask for it! When you need time, ask for it! Do not be afraid to let your voice be; heard. Someone just might hear your cry and throw you a lifesaver.

The most important thing to remember when operating your own business is to “TAKE TIME FOR YOU”Make yourself a priority and everything else will follow. Business success is much sweeter when it is (we) instead of (me).

Content provided Courtesy of: The Ladies Club – Supporting
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offering small business/career resources and networking
opportunities. Business resources include a membership grant search
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