Thursday, September 19, 2024

New York State Embraces Social Media

The New York State Office for Technology has launched Empire 2.0, a social media networking initiative with the goal of promoting government participation, increase collaboration and to improve the state’s ability to share information with social media users.

The Empire 2.0 strategy is a roadmap for state agencies to use Web 2.0, new media and social collaborative tools and technologies to improve communications and services while being more transparent and open.

While a number of state agencies have been testing Web 2.0 tools, the New York State Office of Technology (OFT) began its social media effort in May by Launching a Facebook page, and a Twitter feed to tweet real-time updates about the agency.  The OFT has also launched a Wiki to encourage discussions on IT policy and strategy development.

Richard F. Daines
Richard F. Daines

“The launch of Empire 2.0 to expand the use of new media and Web 2.0 technologies holds exciting promise,” said State Health Commissioner Richard F. Daines, M.D. “Various means of social media networking has enabled our department to relay important health messages, such as smoking cessation and obesity prevention to tens of thousands of New Yorkers.

“Through this new strategy, we look forward to expanding our efforts to include even more personalized and interactive means of reaching as many of our citizens as possible.”

Part of the Empire 2.0 strategy is a portal called New York State Tech Talk where people can share ideas, brainstorm with others and vote on ideas.


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