Friday, February 21, 2025

New Sites Dropped From Google?


Some forums have reported that new sites take longer to rank well in Google – despite relatively high Page Rank.

Have you noticed this trend? What do you think causes it?

Down came the rain and washed the sites out...Down came the rain and washed the sites out…

The trend seems to be this: when new sites are first uploaded they receive close Google attention and decent rankings for their keywords. After two to three weeks these new sites drop in the rankings and pages from these sites drop from the index as well.

The poster who first noticed this phenomenon tested his findings by placing pages from his new site into an older site. These new pages soon ranked well for their keywords on the older site. (Please read the post for full details, including other.)

Logan, a JimWorld moderator, said, “new sites seem to react different to changes (slower) than established sites when it comes to rankings – based on my experiences with new sites since florida/austin/brandy…”

It’s curious that, as jimish reported in JimWorld, for his site, “Pagerank has been going up steadily, but what good is that if you don’t show up in the results.”

Logan also offered a potential explanation, “my guess is that there is an initial ‘local rank’ established based on the contents indexed from the site. But afterwards, there seems to be some delay with the role links play.”

Excell, another forum moderator, reported that, “one good tip I picked up is to manage client expectations early & another, if you have domains sitting out there (maybe with holding pages waiting for a site to be built, like I do) get them moving a bit.”

Excell also mentioned possibly allowing spiders into the site before its completion, perhaps getting the site over the Google drop phase (I saw no mention of how long this “phase” may last).

Read the full post at JimWorld.

Garrett French is the editor of murdok’s eBusiness channel. You can talk to him directly at WebProWorld, the eBusiness Community Forum.

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