Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Google Analytics Features

After receiving numerous requests for the same features, Google Analytics has added some new features. They include:

  • Clickable URLs – We’ve added the ability to click on external links in certain reports and navigate straight to those pages. These external outbound links are available in the Referring Sites, Top Content, Top Landing Pages, and Top Exit Pages reports.
  • Hourly Reporting – Many of the reports now have a “View by: Daily/Hourly” switch that allows you to select whether you want to see your data by day or by hour.
  • Adwords Integration- It’s now easier to add an AdWords account to an existing Google Analytics account.
  • Search Engine Detection – The list of French search engines has been updated to include,, and US search engines now include
  • Report Linking Issue Fixed – Reports that are newly added to the dashboard now have their data properly linked to their more detailed versions.
  • Added Support – We’ve added more Help resources to the Email Reports interface.
  • Smoother Registration – Some countries have been added to the list menu in Step 2 of the Account Activation process. The list is now consistent with available country choices in AdWords.
  • Translation Errors Fixed – Some translation errors and omissions in the interface and Help Center have been corrected.
  • Bounce Rate Issue Fixed – Bounce rates measurements have had their colors changed for visual consistency. A decrease in bounce rate is now colored green to match other positive changes, while an increase in bounce rate is colored red like other negative changes.
  • Cross-segmenting by Network Location has been added to the standard list of segmentation options throughout the interface.
  • More data viewable at once – We have increased the maximum number of table rows per page from 100 to 500 rows.

Personally I really liked the addition of the hourly reporting and clickable URLs and am amazed how fast these new features/updates were rolled out – well done Google Analytics Team!



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