Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Net Video Providers Compete


With streaming video footage on the Internet now becoming a key component in all recent high-profile website successes, Atlas and Doubleclick, two marketing technologies providers, are both offering up competing video platform systems for e-commerce customers.

It seems that the Internet’s video revolution’ happened almost overnight, but with the broadband cable connection explosion paving the way for this consumer demand-cum-expectation, it’s only natural that companies are dashing out with new streaming video upgrades which will appeal to the burgeoning e-commerce marketplaces.

Atlas Marketing Technologies recently touted the availability of Atlas In-Stream Video, video ads that can be put on websites as easily as display banners. An offshoot of its video-on-demand offerings, the video ad system will also keep track of important things like how many consumer impressions each video ad generates.

“As video begins to transform the online environment, advertisers and publishers are looking for technology solutions to assist them in the delivery and workflow of digital video,” said Scott Ferris, SVP and general manager of Atlas Emerging Media in a recent press release.

Nipping at Atlas’ heels is DoubleClick’s Dart Motif For In-Stream (built with the television workflow in mind), intended for online publishers but also providing similar tracking information, which might be very beneficial to video ad buyers. Viewers will also be able to be very interactive with these video streams as the system gives them the ability to mute, pause, and view video material on full screen, making it more like the traditional home video experience. The new product complements DoubleClick’s video ad division, Klipmart, which is aimed directly at agencies and advertisers.

Doubleclick fully intends to continue developing both products concurrently because they are complementary of each other and “there is a need to run video on a lot of sites and to [standardize] the technology,” said Ari Paparo, vice president of rich media at Doubleclick, in a recent interview with MediaPost.

One thing is for certain: these evolving technologies are sure to help continue pushing video to the forefront in everyone’s cyberworld experience. Stay tuned for more!


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Tim Ritter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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