Tuesday, February 18, 2025

MySpace Mobilizes Phone Blogging


Young people like MySpace, but love their cellphones; MySpace wants to tap into that love with a line of mobile phones and a service so users can carry their brand wherever they go.

MySpace Mobilizes Phone Blogging Access MySpace With Your Cell
MySpace is moving to capitalize on its coolness (or is it hotness) by becoming a mobile virtual network operator. With phones from the EarthLink/SK Telecom phone venture Helio, MySpace will operate its service on the Sprint and Verizon networks, Search Engine Journal reported.

The phones and service let users have access to MySpace. Currently, MySpace counts some 55 million people as members of the social networking site.

With many of those users in their teens, they attract a lot of attention from wireless phone operators who love the profitably heavy usage of that demographic.

MySpace thinks it can reinforce its brand with their user base through the high-speed access its mobile network can provide. Ideally, those MySpace mobile users will blog from their phones, and send photos they take with the phone’s camera to their MySpace pages.

Details about the connection plans and pricing have not been announced yet. Users have to be aware that the mobile service providers consider MySpace users a potentially free-spending source of revenue, and not just a group of users who “deserve” remote access to MySpace.

The service could provide a tremendous kickstart to Helio if they can gain substantial adoption. Despite the advanced capabilities of modern mobile phones and higher speed access becoming available, the habit among people in the US is to talk and message from mobiles, rather than write lengthy blog posts.

Favorable pricing plans can help spur higher remote usage of those MySpace services. Someone who gets shocked by the first monthly bill will be someone who could decide to stick to talk and text on the mobile instead.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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