Thursday, February 20, 2025

Multiply Gives Social Search A Shot


Social networks like Friendster and Orkut are often viewed with excitement when they are first launched. However, with the proliferation of social network-based services (Yahoo and MSN have each started one), the luster seems to wear off shortly after the public becomes aware of them.

Multiply Logo
One of the ways these networks attempt to attract new users is by introducing unique services not offered by other competitors. Seemingly armed with this particular mindset,, a social network launched in March 2004, has introduced an embedded search engine designed to assist members find content distributed by others within their social network.

In other words, Multiply’s search function takes user queries and searches through members of the search initiator’s network, seeking relevant results. An example provided by Multiply’s press release reveals:

“If you are planning a vacation to Rome, a search on Multiply may yield a photo album taken by your cousin’s neighbor during his vacation, and a blog entry written by your co-worker’s nephew when he was backpacking through Europe,” according to Peter Pezaris, Multiply’s founder and CEO.

In order to better offer relevant results, Multiply is using an algorithm that makes use of the site’s proprietary proximity index. In the development of their search service, Multiply emphasized relationship dynamics when searching a query. This means the search engine considers whether or not the person in your social network is related (wife, sibling) or merely an acquaintance when applying relevance rankings to the query results.

Based on their description, one can imagine information posted by someone you are closer to socially will be more relevant than information from someone who is not. There is a stipulation with Multiply’s search: users cannot search outside of their social circle.

While social networks may be viewed as being pass, offering technology like this can be beneficial, especially if the search function does what it says. If you can offer relevant results from a member’s social network, which includes friends of friends, users may be more attracted to the service.

I do feel that technology like Multiply’s social search engine is not a deal breaker in the sense that more people probably won’t be clamoring to join Multiply because of it. However, an effective social search service can most certainly be labeled as an attractive option.

Read Multiply’s press release

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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