Saturday, February 22, 2025 Reduces Internet Search Clutter

Share, the newly launched search tool, provides Internet users with the ability to query multiple search engines from a single page, thus making accessing the right information much easier and a lot quicker.

Intelways has announced the launch of, a state-of-the-art Internet search tool that enables users to locate exactly the information that they need in the shortest time possible. achieves this by aggregating almost all the important search engines into just one page at combines this power of search with a disarming simplicity of use. Search terms are entered into a field, and the user can simply choose, from a host of tabs at the top, which search engine he wants to use; to view another source, he just clicks the appropriate tab. There are also tabs to choose the media type – websites, news, images, audio, video or weblogs.

For instance, a user can first perform a Google search at And, if they aren’t happy with the results from Google, they can perform the same search on Yahoo by just clicking on the “Yahoo” tab. In the absence of, in order to repeat the search on Yahoo, the user would have had to visit, retype and submit the search query again.

“The amount of information that is out there on the Web boggles the mind. And it is only growing each day,” says Mr. Juan Sosa CEO of Intelways. “There is no way that any one search can index all of them accurately all the time. By aggregating all of them into one screen, harnesses the powers of the leading search engines for the benefit of users.”

Apart from Google and Yahoo, also covers other leading search services like MSN, Ask, AlltheWeb, Teoma and Looksmart. It also includes very recently launched engines like Amazon’s A9 service, Vivisimo, Clusty and Snap. “We will keep adding newer search services to our list as and when they become available,” Mr. Sosa says.

A unique and interesting feature of is that it also aggregates the so-called “meta search engines” like Dogpile, MetCrawler and that straddle an enormous number of Internet pages by using other search engines to filter their results.

“’s technology and approach make it immensely easier for a user to search and compare results across various search engines,” says Mr. Sosa. “In this age of finding facts fast,’s advantages place it in a uniquely high position in the search engine world.”

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