Thursday, February 20, 2025

More On Search Engines And The Hispanic Market


As the US Hispanic-speaking population continues to grow as an Internet-using society, hurdles remain between them and effective search engine marketing strategies, largely because of the perceived language barriers that may or may not exist.

When you follow this particular discussion, you find the Hispanic population has a champion representing them when it comes to SEM towards the Hispanic community, and that person is Nacho Hernandez, CEO of the iHispanic Marketing Group. I have done a few articles on the subject and each time, Nacho was the person who pointed me in the correct direction. This time, he pointed me toward another SERoundtable post that furthered the Google/Univision topic from a couple of days ago.

More On Search Engines And The Hispanic Market In the recent article, Nacho pointed out that Google and Univision were discussing a partnership that would focus on improving SEM towards Hispanic search users, an idea that seems overdue. Well, it appears as if the seeds of this potential agreement are bearing fruit, or perhaps saplings.

According to Nacho’s latest post, Google is now providing site search “optimization” services for Univision’s portal page. Univision’s Google-branded site search functions like most others by giving users the ability search within either Univision or the Internet as a whole.

In addition to normal site search, Univision’s search box offers visitors the ability to look for documents inside of However, Nacho informs readers that Google does not provide the search within the site function; this is done by using licensed software.

Does this initial step signify a looming search engine marketing deal between the two? Perhaps. News reports say the partnership certainly has the potential to become marketing-related. For now, Nacho offers this, “There are no details of the deal that I know of, but this is an outstanding move by’s executive team and a great step forward for Google. I wish them both great success with their partnership.”

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for murdok. Visit murdok for the latest search news.

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