Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Monday Morning Link Fest …


From Apple to Microsoft to Google, there is hot news written. Below are some of the more interesting articles involving eBusiness and search today.

Another obvious patent gets paid off by Apple. Apple has agreed to pay Burst a $10 million payment for infringing on its 1990 streaming video technology patent.

Singapore officials have a smash rap video hit on YouTube. It has been views over 80,000 times over the last five days alone. It goes to show that it is much easier to get famous than rich with web video.

There is a growing concern over so-called in-text ads according to an article in BusinessWeek. These are the ads where words in articles are double underlined and mousing over them causes a temporary pop-up. The problem is that these ads are not part of the intended editorial context of the journalist writing the article. Personally, I think these ads are highly annoying and distract from reading the article. You won’t find them here at Murdok anytime soon.

The looming advertising recession could actually increase targeted Internet ad spending. When sales are down advertisers want to get the biggest bang for their buck and that means more search and niche Internet ad buys.

New features are coming to Microsoft’s IM according to a leaked report. Features include a SPIM reporting feature that helps users fight IM based phishing and spam.

A post by Rand Fishkin’s father outlines why the original Google PageRank forumla is flawed. It is an insightful piece with lots of diagrams too!

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