Thursday, February 27, 2025

Microsoft Great Plains SQL Reporting and Data Fixing


This is beginner level SQL scripting article for a DB Administrator, Programmer, or IT Specialist.

Our and Microsoft Business Solutions’ goal here is to educate the database administrator, programmer, and software developer to enable them Microsoft Great Plains support for their companies. In our opinion self support is the goal of Microsoft to facilitate implementation of its products: Great Plains, Navision, Solomon, Microsoft CRM. You can do it for your company, being aware of simple data repair techniques and appealing to Microsoft Business Solutions Techknowledge database. This will allow you to avoid expensive consultant visits onsite. You only need the help from a professional when you plan on complex customization, interface or integration, then you can appeal to somebody who specializes in these tasks and can do inexpensive nation-wide remote support for you.

Let’s look at simple data repair techniques.

1. How to delete the user:

If the user, shuts down their computer, before signing off Great Plains – she/he will get the message that she/he is already signed. Then you need to delete the user from the activity table. Run the query below against DYNAMICS database – it will unlock the user:


2. How to unlock the batch:

From our experience – this is the second FAQ we are hearing from Great Plains administrators. Run this script against company database to unlock hanging batch:

update SY00500 set BCHSTTUS=0 where BACHNUMB = 'BATCH0023'

Sometimes you also have to run this script against the DYNAMICS database (if first script doesn’t do the job)

delete SY00800 where BACHNUMB = 'BATCH0023'

3. Some Reporting Queries – Before we go there, we would like you to be able to find the table with the data you are looking for. Launch Great Plains and go to Tools->Resource Description->Tables. Find the table in the proper series. If you are looking for the customers – it should be RM00101 – customer master file.

Now lets query Customer Master table:

select CUSTNMBR, CUSTNAME from RM00101 where STATE='CA'

This query will return Customer Number, Customer Name for all the customers in California

Next query will give you top 10 Inventory Items with the best Sales Results

select a.ITEMNMBR, a.ITEMDESC, b.SALESNUMBER from IV00101 a join (select top 10 ITEMNMBR, count(ITEMNMBR) as SALESNUMBER from SOP30300 where SOPTYPE=3 group by ITEMNMBR order by count(ITEMNMBR) desc) b on a.ITEMNMBR=b.ITEMNMBR

Andrew Karasev is Chief Technology Officer in Alba Spectrum Technologies USA nationwide Microsoft CRM, Microsoft Great Plains customization company, based in Chicago, California, Texas, New York, Georgia and Florida and having locations in multiple states and internationally (, he is Dexterity, SQL, C#.Net, Crystal Reports and Microsoft CRM SDK developer.

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