Friday, January 24, 2025

Matt Cutts Likes To Play With Spammers


Well now that the Yahoo deal fell through, some are looking for their own opportunities to team up with Google. One such person is a guy named Rob.

Matt Cutts shared a humorous experience on his blog about a guy who wants to “purchase advertising space”.  Matt shares the initial email:

    Dear Webmaster,

    I have browsed your site and I’m interested in purchasing advertising space in it.
    I am mainly interested in placing a new page on your site with content and links that I will supply.

    Please let me know if you would like to discuss this further or if you have other ideas.

    Kind Regards,

Now obviously this is a spam email, the likes of which many of us in the web industry have seen more times than we care to count. Sometimes, we like to play along just for the fun of it, and apparently, so does Matt. The irony of the story is that Matt is a self-proclaimed “webspam person” at the web giant that is Google.

Matt asked Rob if he could show some examples of what he’s done before, and he responded:

I want you to create a new page on your site.
I will send you a gambling related article with my links on it that will be
on the new page.
I wish that this page will have only my links on it with no other external
Also I wish that this page will have a link from all the pages on the site.
Please let me know what you think and how much will it cost to me.

Matt then asked for an example page and apparently he got it. I wonder how far Matt intends to take this. I’m guessing this is about it. Rob is likely in for some major disappointment if he has not received the memo that he has been punk’d by now.

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