Sunday, January 26, 2025

Majority of iPhone Users Are Old and Rich, They Also Want More Video


iPhone music apps and mobile videos may soon become as important to marketing and artist whose audience skews older as it already is those whose fans are under 24.  A new Nielson survey shows that 82% of iPhone users are over 25 with 53% over 35 years of age.


Other finding of the Nielson iPhone survey include increased video viewing include:

  • As of April 2009, Nielsen estimates that there are 6.4 million active iPhone users in the U.S., up from 2.1 million a year prior. The most impactful iPhone announcement this week may be the price reduction of $99 for the 8 GB version: cost has been one factor (in addition to AT&T exclusivity) that’s kept the overall iPhone audience modestly sized.
  • 37% watch video on their phone (6x as likely as the typical subscriber)
  • Forty-percent have household incomes of $100K or more – twice the ratio among all subscribers (19%). That income may also be helpful for current iPhone owners who want to upgrade: in-contract iPhone owners may have to pay an additional $200 to upgrade before their contract expires.
  • It’s not just for looks. 98% of iPhone users use the data features of their phone, services that should improve with the enhanced speed promised by the iPhone 3G S.
  • 88% use the Internet (making them 4x as likely as the typical subscriber)
  • 75% download apps (5x as likely as the typical subscriber)
  • 72% used location based services (7x as likely as the typical subscriber)


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