Saturday, October 5, 2024

London Attack Blogger Round-up

Because of today’s horrible events in London, England, the majority of our blogging contributors devoted much of their day to posting about the various sources coverage of the explosions, which, by early estimates, has taken 33 lives.

The following is round up of the various post and out-pourings of concern originating in the blogosphere:

Steve Rubel, Micro Persuasion:

Citizens Share Their Stories from London Terrorist Attacks

Jeff Jarvis is linking to London bloggers who are blogging about today’s terror attacks. The BBC is reporting that Technorati is filling up with posts, but I can’t access the site. Lots of sites are slow. The BBC is also blogging the bombings. Flickr is starting to fill up with photos from citizens. Here’s one from Adam Tinworth

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RSS News Feeds for the London Bombings

Here are RSS feeds for the latest news on the London bombings…

Yahoo, Topix, BBC

Neville Hobson, NevOn


Safe And Back In Amsterdam

A quick post – just arrived back in Amsterdam. I am amazed by the over 20 emails and more than a dozen voicemails I’m picking up now from family, friends and concerned readers asking if I’m ok. Thank you, everyone. Yes, I am!

I’ve been in London over the past two days. Caught up in the chaos at Paddington station this lunchtime which, as I arrived there to catch the Heathrow Express, was evacuated because of a bomb threat. Police everywhere and hundreds of people rushing out of the station. But the massive inconveninece today resulting from my being indirectly caught up in the effects of the terrorist outrages pales into complete insignficance compared to the direct and awful effects of those outrages with more than 35 people dead and over a 700 injured.

Just to put things into proper perspective.

More later.

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Darren Rowse,

London Explosion

I’m covering some of the news on the London Explosion here as we have family who use the tube in the areas affected and are waiting for word. Phones are down and we’re a touch worried so I thought I’d do something productive.

Update – as I’ve updated on my other blog we’ve had good news from London from family. Despite being close to the explosions they are fine.

I’ve continued to update the page.

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Ross Mayfield, Ross Mayfield’s Weblog:

London Bombings

What a horrible thing to wake up and have this at the top of your aggregator, see the story collected (Wikipedia is the best source during a disaster) and look for check-ins from people you know.  I can only admire the resolve of Londoners and wish them peace.

If you haven’t tried Wikipedia Animate, winner of waxy’s contest, point it at the Wikipedia page and sit back.  You’ll find early edits such as “Nobody knows what’s going on WHOLY SH*T!!!!?~!!111!11!” evolve with thousands of edits into collective understanding.

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Robert Scoble, Scobleizer:

Dark day for London

I woke up this morning to an email from Peter Nixey. He said he is covering the London bombings on his blog. My heart fell, the same way it fell when I first heard about the 9/11 bombings. It’s gonna be a dark day. I met him last month at the London geek dinner that Hugh Macleod held for me.

What a week for London. First they get the 2012 Olympics, now this.

Anyway, other places discussing the bombings?

Dave Winer’s blog. He has links to the BBC articles.

Glenn Reynolds’ Instapundit. Tons of links.


The LLama Butchers.

Swanky Conservative.

Decision ’08.

Tiger Hawk.

Tim Blair.

One Hand Clapping.


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More on London bombings

More links on London bombings:

FoxNews: Terrorists Strike London with Series of Blasts.

CNN: London bombs kill at least 33.

My former boss, Lenn Pryor, is in London and his Skype name says “I’m OK.” His report is on his blog.

CNN: Minute-by-minute account.

MSNBC: 33 confirmed dead in London blasts.

Terrorism Unveiled: Terrorist Attack in London.

Guardian Unlimited: 33 dead in London blasts.

More shortly.

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Yet more on London bombings

Search Engine watch has news sources for London bombings.

BBC News: In pictures: London blasts.

The Times (of London): Timeline of blasts.

The Command Post has a bunch of links.

BBC News: Eyewitnesses tell of travel hell.

There’s a Flickr photo page here.

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The blogs cover London blasts

BBC: Blogs respond to London blasts.

BBC: Mobile networks bear blast strain.

Wikinews has excellent coverage.

Blog Herald: Blogs covering the frontline.

Jeff Jarvis has even more links.

Is this the first disaster that has a ton of blogging coverage?

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Editor’s Note:

This is but a small cross-section of the blogosphere’s reaction to the attack on London. For an indication of how far these reaction reach, just visit Technorati and their results for various searches related to the disaster.

If you are looking for information about loved-ones who may have been caught in the London bombings, please call the London Blast: Casualty Hotline – 0870 1566 344.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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