Thursday, September 19, 2024

Local Media Sites Good For Advertisers

Local media sites have an advantage when it comes to producing results for advertisers, according to a new report by the Online Publishers Association (OPA).

The study finds that consumers trust advertising on local newspaper, magazine and television Websites, and are likely to take action after viewing ads on these sites.

Newspaper Web sites rank first, with 46 percent of consumers taking action, such as making a purchase, going to a store or conducting research after viewing a local ad, compared to 37 percent of consumers acting after viewing a local ad on a portal.

JupiterResearch conducted the study for the OPA and 2,069 local online content consumers were surveyed.

Local television sites trail slightly local newspaper Web sites with 44 percent of consumers taking action after viewing an ad, and local magazine sites have 42 percent of consumers taking action.

“With strong brands and trusted environments, local media sites deliver concrete results for local advertisers,” said OPA president Pam Horan. 

“Our analysis of the Jupiter data finds that consumers are more likely to act on the ads they see on local TV, newspaper and magazine sites.  Just as we see on a national scale, media sites outpace portals and all other online media at delivering meaningful advertising results.”

Trust is a major factor that creates advertising success, and consumers express significant loyalty in advertising on local sites. Newspaper sites lead the way, with 56 percent of visitors indicating they trust the advertising found on local sites, followed by TV sites and portals.

Local magazine, newspaper and TV sites attract solid percentages (48%, 40% and 39%, respectively) of people who spent more than $500 online in the past year.

“Local content sites of all types play an important role in serving the local community.  But this report shows that local media sites have a very real advantage when it comes to delivering results for advertisers,” Horan said.


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