Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Little Known Guerilla Tactics for Finding Link Partners


Are you using these three little known ways to find link partners?

If not you should be. Since decent link popularity is a must if you want to rank well and get more traffic.

Not to mention sporting links from quality sites will not only juice your traffic but can boost your Page Rank (PR) too. Which will help you rank higher in all important Google.

Now I’m sure you know this common way to find link partners.

Simply find one links page for a site in your niche. Then “mine” that for additional partners. Following each link like a daisy chain – harvesting all sorts of linking opportunities.

But you could also do this. Search for the primary keyword that describes your niche.

Say it was shoes. That search returned 12,300,000 search engine results pages (SERPS) from Google.

Surely that’s too many to hand check for links pages.

Instead you’re going to search within’ all those listings returned for the keyword shoes. (Google’s link for that is found way at the bottom of any page of listings.)

Here’s all you do. Simply do a search within for terms like

“add url” “submit url” “add link” “submit link”

and the like. Any of which suggests a site that is actively seeking link partners or has a links page, right?

Trying my luck with “add url” turned up 26,900 candidates.

Or you could do a search within’ for site submission or links pages. You know, pages with names like:

“addlink.html” “add-url.html” “add_a_site.html” “links.html”

Going for “links.html” I found 7,930 more potential partners.

All without even breaking a sweat.

If you want more variations, you could always replace the “html” extension with htm, shtml, asp, etc.

Okay but what if you take those same SERPS for shoes and do a search within’ for known links manager software?

Like “Gossamer Threads Inc” for example? Pages found with that phrase signal the use of the links directory management program Gossamer Threads.

I gave it a shot and that search within’ indicated 1,270 links pages.

Other possibilities would be

“Powered by WSN Links” “links4trade” “links manager” “links engine”

Getting the idea? Searching for any tell tale sign of some links manager software or script will turn up all sorts of linking partners too.

Then what if you come to a high PR site and can’t find it’s links page?

There’s no obvious link to it on the page, but from the PR you just KNOW there must be one.

Do a simple Google search “links:” replacing domain_name with the domain name in question.

Sometime you’ll get lucky and a search like this will reveal something along the lines of

in the SERPS Google returns.

Works for me.

Try any of these guerilla tactics and you’ll soon be buried in potential linking partners.

Enough to keep you busy for weeks if not months. During which time your traffic and Page Rank will skyrocket. Rewarding you for your efforts with more sales.

Happy linking.

John Gergye shares more ideas like this in his just updated
eBook “Traffic From Google in 35 Days”. Find out more
Or test your search engine IQ by taking his seo quiz
and get the free special report “Coming Out On Top”.

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