Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Keyword Density Analysis


GoRank, an SEO tools provider, recently released a study of keyword density. I wrote them to ask if any of their results surprised them.

“The most surprising information was that 37% of all of the top 10 results analyzed contained the keyword somewhere in the URL. This often seems to be an optimization technique that is overlooked, but the data shows that it is a very important element. Only 10% of the results contained the keyword in the domain name while 22% contained the keyword in the filename.

“Another surprising result was that the data suggests that there is an over-optimization penalty for meta-keywords, bold text, and heading text. As the ranking falls from the first position to the tenth position, the keyword density increases for these elements. It seems the more keywords you put into these elements the lower the rankings go.”

You can read GoRank’s keyword density guidelines in our forum, but be sure to read Dan Thies’s thoughts first:

“I don’t really worry about [keyword density]. I make sure to write well structured pages, of an appropriate length for users and use the appropriate words in the usual places. Keyword density should take care of itself.”

Sharon & Roy, from the forum, agreed, though with stronger sentiments: “We mean no disrespect to anyone, but this data as it is presented cannot be useful to the Newbie who is just learning SEO, nor can it be useful to the “Intermediate SEO” because if they have learned anything they will have learned that focusing on keyword density is UTTERLY USELESS for a single keyword or for a phrase of multiple words.”

Garrett French is the editor of murdok’s eBusiness channel. You can talk to him directly at WebProWorld, the eBusiness Community Forum.

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