Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Keep Your Style Consistent


This is a peer review of by Valeria Vernon of

Well if you are interested in hearing the opinion of a former travel agent turned teacher turned translator and turned web developper and who is turning 61 next month, here I am.

First impression: there are two styles in the first page. The dry, elegant design at the top and bottom and the fancy fonts clash with the image. I do not understand why that girl is laughing, perhaps inf-inet wants us to think shat she is thinking ‘Oh how stupid I was, info-inet is the solution, it is everything I need to succeed on line … all in one place.’ Not a bad slogan – or whatever you call it – at all, but what a pity it is almost hidden by that falsely casual image, that is has become common now.

I think that at least two different persons with completely different views designed the site graphics.

I started clicking on the menu items and some do not work very well, or send you to pages without text (including the site map link) containing only one word ‘maintenace’ (without the n). What is it? Are they under construction?

I also clicked on the free download link: blank page.

Suggestion: if a page is not available, whatever the reason, hide the link. This means more work, of course, but try to imagine what a visitor would think: ‘well there must be other blank pages like these around the site, I am waisting my time’ and he/she – click – is gone.

Another thing: do not mix up styles, the fonts are very different. Remove that image, the faded world map is sufficient to support the idea you should emphasize, that is, you offer ‘All in one place’. This is the real point, this is your real strength.

Site navigation I do not know if the problem is the same with other people, but when I read a book, a magazine, or visit a site, I think I build up a general image of the page and expect to find the same layout in the next ones, otherwise it surprises me to find that it has changed and it takes me more time to read the page.

The pages look as if, except for the top and bottom, which is the same throughout the site, someone else threw in the text carelessly and some images which have nothing to do with the page. Some of these images are not even nice, for example the photos taken from above make people’s heads unnaturally large, like dwarfs. Again, they have no ‘bridge’ with the rest of the page layout and worse, they have no reason to be there.

Suggestion: stick to the same layout throughout the site. If for any reason you need to change the layout (for example forms), avoid cramming the page. Make it as empty as possible so that visitors like me (who have a general layout in the mind) can easily focus on what they see.

Another thing: put a title relevant to the content of the page. At a certain moment I couldn’t understand where I was.

About the images: try to use images that regard the text. Images are not only for decoration, but they must complete information and support what you want to say. Images are a short-cut to your message.

It is clear that they have not planned the site carefully or that they have lost sight of the message they wanted to transmit and lost themselves in niceties such as drop-down menus and almost ignored the visitors.

I am sorry, I have been very negative but, except for a few things, there is not much to save. The site lacks ‘uniformity’ as regards both its aspect and its content. However, it is easier to see the mote in someone’s eye rather than the beam in one’s own eye.

There are more suggestions I should like to make, but it’s very late (4:35 a.m.) and I must work tomorrow, otherwise I cannot invoice and if I don’t invoice, they (the clients) won’t pay me.

Valeria Vernon

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Peer reviewers volunteer their time and effort to help other ebusiness owners with their websites. Please take time to visit this reviewer’s site and say that you think what they’re doing is valuable to the web business community. For a complete listing of sites reviewed, visit the Peer Review section. If you’d like your site reviewed, send an email to

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