Saturday, December 7, 2024

Just Because You’re Good, Doesn’t Mean You’ll Get Clients


Do you ever notice how many talented people live in the world? Musicians, artists, actors, dancers. Many of them are so good, you wonder why they never become famous.

The same thing with personal care products: shampoos, lotions, shaving gels, etc. Some can be purchased at a grocery store for $2-3, while others cost $20-50. Are they that much better? May be a little… But what really matters is how much advertising and publicity a company does to get attention to their products. Or how much promotional activity a singer does to attract recording studio managers.

The truth is, you may be the BEST consultant in your field. But if nobody knows about it, you will not get any clients.

So the most important thing you must understand is that just because you’re good, doesn’t mean clients will line up at your door. You need to promote yourself. If you can REALLY understand that getting clients requires being pro-active, you are ready to be successful.

Personally, I hate cold calling and have always tried to avoid it in my marketing strategy. If you don’t like calling people to sell your services, you will truly enjoy what the Internet can do for you!

The only time I speak to people on the telephone is when THEY want my help, and are already sold on my expertise. All I have to do now is confirm my ability to solve their problems. How is that for fun marketing!

How do you get prospects that are pre-sold on your expertise?

You get a web site that shows your background, portfolio, testimonials from happy clients, the types of problems you help people solve, and may be even your fees.

If your web site is easy to navigate, looks professional and proves that you’re good, you have an interested prospect! And, if you’re able to bring hundreds of visitors a week to your web site, you’ll have a constant flow of clients.

Here are some of the most popular ways to bring targeted traffic to your web site:

– Search Engines submissions
– Publishing Free Newsletter
– Free e-book submitted to various directories
– Writing and submitting your free articles
– Posting on discussion forums
– Partnering up with other business owners and cross-promoting each other

All of these things are really simple to do – I’ve learned how to market a business in a matter of a few weeks! Then I just had to find out which methods worked best and use them on a regular basis.

Whatever you do, remember this: “Without promotion something terrible happens… nothing!” (P.T. Barnum).

Milana Leshinsky is the author of “How To Market Your Practice On the Internet”. Download it FREE today at

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