Tuesday, February 18, 2025

John Battelle at OMMA Conference


While I have been attending the OMMA West Conference, I was able to go see John Battelle’s keynote speech.

Prior to the speech, I was able to speak a little bit with him, helping him put a face to a name that he said he’s read before in the blogosphere. Nice man, and we were able to speak a little bit about his presentation and he foreshadowed a bit about his presentation and FM Publishing.

So, on to my notes from the presentation – and, yes, I left my digital camera in the other room, so no photo…

  • Battelle took full blame for the dotcom bust, which got a nice laugh from the audience. He did go on to speak about Web 1.0 – long on vision, short on execution and shorter on profits, immature tech – and Web 2.0, which is about content and services, a robust development and delivery platform.
  • Search and digital distribution is the power of the tail – blogging is where media and advertisement see the longtail.
  • New Media isn’t that new – search has changed media and online media, but it isn’t new media. It’s changed because through search, audience declares intent, then content finds the audience.
  • The marketing to and of blogs: publisher, marketer and audience – all in robust conversations, that can be supported by commercial interests.
  • Federated Media – federation of authors, a label or imprint (like Penguin Books), and facilitate between marketing and the blog authors. Advertising can be more efficient with blogs. Don’t own sites, don’t hire/fire, bloggers can do what they want.
  • FM is like a bundle of sticks – 10-20 catagories, each site vetted for quality and content and audience. Blogs of influence.
  • FM will aggregate audience, help focus advertising, messaging for each site.
  • Blogs are publications – and represent marketing opportunities. The rise of the author-driven sites is a good thing. It’s about trust and relationships
  • Since I couldn’t find a connection for public relations, I touched base with Battelle on how I could tie the keynote into public relations. He had some interesting comments, that really solidified how PR works in the new media:

    Public relations is the connective tissue, the connective media between marketing, the publisher and the audience (of his diagram on the relationship between marketing, the audience and the publishers). Public relations is an important part of marketing, the part of the conversation that talk to people.

    Links: OMMA West Conference
    John Battelle
    keynote speech

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    Jeremy Pepper is the CEO and founder of POP! Public Relations, a public relations firm based in Arizona, USA.

    He authors the popular Musings from POP! Public Relations blog which offers Jeremy’s opinions and views – on public relations, publicity and other things.

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