Friday, January 31, 2025

Joey Hops Around Mozilla Labs


A simpler way to store web content for later retrieval on a mobile device is in the works at the Mozilla Foundation.

The Joey project at Mozilla offers a direct solution to the issue of content retrieval by mobile device users. It could also induce spit-takes in the offices of big wireless companies that want to have certain content limited to the deals they make.

A story on InfoWorld illustrated how this could take place:

In some cases, Joey can allow users to access content that might otherwise not be available from a mobile phone, Turner said. For example, YouTube has a deal with Verizon that offers some videos to certain Verizon subscribers.

“That is the walled garden idea, where the operator knows better than you what content you should consume. Our position is, we want that to go away,” he said.

Project Joey lets users link to a specific YouTube video on their personal Joey page and then watch it on their cell phone, Turner said.

Why settle for a few videos from YouTube through Verizon when one can tap content from Daily Motion, FileCabi, and other sites, toss it onto one’s Joey page, and view it later?

It’s an approach we’ll look forward to seeing develop as Mozilla builds out Joey, from the experiment it is today. But we do see potential trouble ahead.

That Verizon-YouTube deal involves Google, YouTube’s owner. Google is also a big Mozilla partner and spends millions on them in exchange for prime search placement in the Firefox browser. Is it possible that Verizon could complain to Google to indirectly pressure Mozilla over Joey?

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