Saturday, October 5, 2024

Jobs in Advertising aren’t All in the Ad Agencies… Some are at Home!

Question: What grows even as the economy and businesses’ budgets shrink?

Answer: Businesses’ need for creative, effective, and economical advertising.

(And -you- can arrange it for them – even in places few people think to look.)

Have you been looking for an easy home-based business idea…

–that will allow you to work out of your home,

–part- or full-time,

–with no start-up costs,

–that takes no special equipment or training,

–that you can do virtually anywhere that businesses are,

–under just about any market conditions,

–and that has flexibility and continual income-making potential?

I know that sounds like the beginning of a hypey scam, but seriously…

Have you considered being an advertising broker?

Advertising is ubiquitous in our lives…

Billboards, signs on buildings, counter-top displays and bill inserts, coupons on cash register receipts, TV, radio, the Web, etc. – all are familiar to us.

We filter out some of the advertising showered on us… But many people are -interested- in the ads that they bump into. (And that’s where good “targeting” of the audience that?s likely to encounter the ads comes in – to make people readier to respond.)

We may think of advertising as being all around us, but…

I bet you can also think of times you -might- have seen an ad and didn?t – and actually could have used one!

You sit at a restaurant and stare for awhile at a plain white throw-away placemat while you wait for your order to arrive… And you recall the entertaining and informative placemats of other eateries with a sigh.

You ride the bus or subway, and your eyes wander over the same passengers and sights you see every day on your commute… You actually begin to crave the poster ads you?ve seen above or out the windows on other lines.

As a tourist in a community that?s foreign to you, you wish you could find your way around! You frustratedly remember the neat illustrated map of the town you visited last summer… that has ads for local businesses around the edges. (And -those- might be helpful, too!)

Many ad viewers are grateful for information – for recommendations of other trusted businesspeople – and for entertainment while inevitably being kept waiting.

…If advertising in general weren’t -beneficial- in our lives (filling perceived needs), it wouldn’t exist.

And you know it?s important for the bottom line

Advertising – getting the word out – is very helpful to businesses. …Utterly necessary to some. At the very least, it can be a valuable element in any business? marketing campaign. …Including for businesses that don?t now use it, or don’t see the possibilities beyond newspapers/magazines/TV/radio.

-Selling- ad space can also be a generator of money for “the unsuspecting”… Cities (the bus line owners, for example), non-profit organizations (inserts with their newsletters?), schools (cafeteria placements? ;^) – and yes, any old business, too.

“Any old business” can also -trade- advertising opportunities in many ways in the win-win exercise of joint venture marketing. (See more about that at my website – Wondering what to try next in your marketing arsenal? – Think Joint Venture!)

Some businesses, too, sell various types of advertising space outright. But many businesspeople aren’t even aware of the hidden ad space assets they have. Or wish to add one more task to their load (or know where to turn for buyers).

…That’s where you, the broker, might come in!

A broker of any kind saves people time – and a joint venture broker shows people how to gain where they might not have done so before.

There?s a need for people to represent advertisers and advertising space owners to each other… to be a “broker” between them. That can be a complete business in itself – or a great sideline, perhaps accompanying other marketing services.

As an ad broker, you might not just be “selling space”… You would often be in a position to influence the advertising decision-making of many of your clients:

–Pointing out other types of (less expensive, more effective) ad space (to buy -or- sell – or trade).

–Suggesting better means of targeting the -right- ad viewers/hearers.

–Tutoring others in the right words/images and tone to reach people.

–Showing people how to spend less money while making more! Ad space brokering is something that almost anyone can do. It just takes a modicum of understanding of the needs of each participant – some imagination – and common sense (and not being a total introvert ;^).

Ad brokering can be done anywhere in the world, bricks-and- mortar (especially) or online… anywhere business are! If you’re looking for a home-based business to pursue, being an advertising broker may be a “hidden asset” you’ll be glad to discover.

Sherry Gordon – Gordon Pioneering – Copyright 3-2002

Sherry Gordon is the author of the e-book Ad Brokering
Opportunities – an explanatory idea manual of 135 different
ad space windfalls (and its companion e-book, Other
Brokering Opportunities… two for the price of one – or
one introductory volume for free!) – available at

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